Saturday, July 12, 2008

Writen by Peter Stilgoe

Until a few years ago, Bulgaria was relatively unknown to the property investment market and yet today is drawing in more and more bargain-property hunting Brits, with many people keen to buy before they've even visited this diverse country.

Situated in the heart of the Balkans, on the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Bulgaria has an enchanting mix of sandy beaches and seaside resorts, snowy mountains boasting intricate ski slopes and breathtaking views, and rugged countryside for those who enjoy being at one with nature, fishing and hunting are also popular activities here.

Described by some as the new Costa Del Sol, Bulgaria is also praised for it's beautiful countryside, historic towns and un-compromised rural traditions.

A Varied Climate

Bulgaria has a temperate climate with hot, dry summers and cold, damp winters. The Danube River runs through the country and its plains are open to the extreme conditions of central Europe, whilst the Rodopi Mountains form a barrier to the Mediterranean warmth of the Aegean Sea.

The capital Sofia, situated in the west of the country, can generally reach temperatures of 28oC in July and August and 3oC in December to February. Rainfall is highest in the mountain ranges and heavy snowfall is a strong feature of the winter. Along the black sea coast, a popular destination for holidaymakers, temperatures range from 1oC to 6oC in January, and 19oC to 30oC in July. The climate makes Bulgaria a great country for both summer & skiing holidays allowing you to virtually cover the whole year in your Bulgarian investment portfolio.

Awakening Eastern Europe

Whilst property prices reached a stagnate high in the popular holiday spots of Spain, Italy and France, Eastern Europe was awakening and the investment potential in these former eastern block states was uncovered. The fast-growing economies of countries such as Latvia Lithuania and Estonia began appearing on the radars of investment-driven buyers when they joined the European Union in 2005. With Bulgaria set to join the EU in 2007, investors were able to take knowledge from the surrounding countries' economic growth patterns and exploit the early bargains.

First the country experienced an influx of foreign investment and workers, which still today continues and who stimulated a demand for new properties. Secondly, a recent increase in affluence and the gradual emergence of a professional middle-class has fuelled the development of a stronger local market equipped to support the country's investment magnetism. It's predicted that a steady rise in demand will continue over the next 2-4 years and one reason for this is the increasing popularity in mortgages, a concept relatively unknown in Bulgaria until recently. Now a widening variety of banks and other lending institutions are offering mortgage products to the local population, allowing them to own their own homes. Also firms such as Conti Financial Services in the UK are offering mortgage-style loans to foreigners interested in buying property in Bulgaria. However, with property and land prices in line with the current local economy in many areas, there is many a bargain still to be found for the cost of a small car in the UK.

The emerging property market in Bulgaria also began attracting holiday-home buyers who could no longer afford the inflated prices of European countries closer to home. More airlines began adding Bulgaria to their flight itinerary making the country more accessible. At the same times holiday resorts of the black sea coast were becoming more established and ripe for exploration by people from all over the world after an alternative to their usual holiday destination.

So with Bulgaria's diverse landscape and developing infrastructure proving an attractive prospect for the acute investor as well as the holiday home seeker, its no wonder this magnetic mix of old tradition and modern bustle still has many profitable miles in it yet.

Peter Stilgoe runs a property investment website called He is a keen investor himself in Eastern European property & will be happy to advise anyone wishing to build up such a portfolio.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Writen by Raynor James

North Dakota is truly the state of wide open spaces and wildlife. With a small population base, North Dakota real estate is extremely affordable.

North Dakota

Made famous, or perhaps infamous, by the Fargo movie, North Dakota is the state for you if you're looking to get away from everything. The state seems to have far more animals than humans, which has also lead to the lowest crime rate of any state in the country. While the state is irrefutably cold during the winter, it can be very nice during the rest of the year. During said period, outdoor activities are plentiful, particularly considering large sections of the state have been designate refuges for such animals as the bison and the big horn sheep. Admittedly, North Dakota is not for everyone, but it is hardly the end of the world as some portray it.


What? You were expecting me to start with another town? Made famous in the movie carrying its name, Fargo is a sleepy, little town. A comfortable downtown area is surrounded by neighborhoods populated with friendly people. The pace of life is definitely of the laid back variety. You will not find the rat race or rush hour traffic here. On the other hand, you can raise your family without the risks of bigger cities.

Grand Forks

Home to the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks is a quaint little town with a definite new feel. The town was devastated during a freak flood in 1997, but has seen significant redevelopment efforts reinvigorate it. The town has tree-lined streets and neighborhoods of white picket fenced homes. Unfortunately, the economy is rumored to be less than stellar, so make sure you investigate before relocating.

North Dakota Real Estate

North Dakota Real Estate is very inexpensive. A single-family home is going to run you between $130,000 and $200,000 depending on the location. With cold winters and such low prices, it is a surprise that North Dakota real estate appreciated at a hearty nine percent in 2005.

Raynor James is with the FSBO site - - homes for sale by owner. Visit our home buying page to view and buy North Dakota real estate.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Friday, July 11, 2008

Writen by Charles Warnock

It is no secret that sellers want to sell high and buyers want to buy low. But they often arrive at the negotiating table with very different ideas on price. A fair and objective property valuation can help buyers and sellers find common ground and streamline the negotiation process.

In the end, the property is worth what a buyer is willing to pay. But to help both buyers and sellers achieve their goals, both should have a fair and objective estimate of property value. Unfortunately, even objective estimates are still estimates, and there is no way to assure 100% accuracy:

* Appraisals performed by a certified appraiser are not 100 percent accurate.

* CMA's (Comparable Market Analysis) and BPOs (Broker Price Opinions) performed by a licensed broker or agent are not 100 percent accurate.

* AVM (Automated Valuation Model) technology is not 100 percent accurate.

All these methods, when properly executed, can provide a good indication of value. Estimating value is a combination of art and science. Regardless of how scientific the approach, the actual sale price is subject to the unique variables of each property transaction: property condition, upgrades, current market conditions, circumstances of the sale and individual tastes.

For property owners, pricing correctly is a key to a successful sale. Under-pricing can result in a fast sale, but carries the risk of leaving money on the table. Sellers who price too high may find their properties lingering on the market, and statistics show that values can erode at a rate of about 1.5 percent per month. Longer sales also increase the likelihood of a "distressed sale" when sellers become frustrated or encounter difficult financial circumstances.

Likewise, buyers should avoid emotional purchases. Overpaying because of "falling in love" with a home is common. Homekeys' ValueKey Technology can help establish an objective, unemotional baseline for buyers and sellers so distressed sales and emotional purchases become the exception, not the rule.

The science of AVMs

To determine a good baseline value for a property, use Homekeys to search thousands of property records for comparable sales or "comps." Homekeys' ValueKey tool uses advanced statistical models and proprietary algorithms and formulas to find the best comparable properties available. In addition to property characteristics, the system evaluates how recent comparable sales are and how close properties are from the property being evaluated. Once a base property value estimate is determined, it's time to check active listings to see what similar properties are selling for. ValueKey searches both owner- and broker-offered active listings to find the most comparable properties available.

The art of AVMs

The art portion of estimating value begins with understanding how comparable sales and active listings compare to the property being evaluated. Since they are nearby, it's a good idea to drive by comparable sales and listed properties to see how they compare. To help you stay organized, you may want to use a buyer checklist when visiting properties.

After researching comparable sales and active listings, it's time for the personal touch. Sellers know their own property and neighborhood better than anyone, so they are able to adjust base values according to individual property characteristics. Buyers can make similar adjustments as they visit properties to help formulate an asking price.

Depending on your research, a "market adjustment" may be warranted. If active listings are priced higher than your base estimated value, an upward adjustment may be appropriate. If prices are lower, a downward adjustment might be in order.

Finally, ValueKey enables buyers and sellers to make other value adjustments based on individual property characteristics and condition. Based on a seller's knowledge or a buyer's research, appropriate value adjustments can help both parties arrive at a fair selling price.

And though no property valuation system is perfect, AVMs can provide objective valuation estimates quickly and inexpensively, and the technology is improving all the time. As AVM technology continues to evolve and improve, it may prove to be a key to less-stress, more enlightened real estate transactions in the future.

Manuel Iroala is President and CEO of Homekeys. Charles Warnock is Marketing Communications Manager at Homekeys, a South-Florida based real estate and technology company. This article can also be found at

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Writen by Justin Brown

Real estate investment may not seem attractive to everyone, although for many, it can be very lucrative. There are however, essential steps to take to ensure that your real estate investment is successful and financially worthwhile.

There are many challenges that you'll encounter along the way and also a lot that you'll need to learn. It is how you react to these challenges that are important, which will teach you a lot in the long run, and provide you with invaluable experience.

Your real estate investment plan will of course be determined by your financial goals. You may wish to invest for the long-term; for your retirement, or to make money quickly. Either of these approaches will require thought and proper planning.

If your aims is to make money quickly, consider searching for bargain houses and then offering them to other investors, or by finding houses that require work and refurbishing and then selling on.

Many argue that the house boom is gone, and that price gains are not as great as previously. This maybe so, but it is your skill to identify opportunities and invest in bargains that will still make you a success in the real estate investment market. According to reports, house sales have been declining recently, so it is even more important than ever that should you wish to maintain a successful career in real estate, you remain determined but wise in your investments. This factor is probably more prominent in investments for quick resell, as the potential profit margin may not be a great deal. However, if it fits in with your strategy, consider investing in property to rent. This could provide a continual steady income until market prices enable you to make a healthy profit from selling, or you could of course continue renting. This will obviously depend on your requirement for capital to invest in other property.

Set yourself goals along the way that are realistic. Realize your potential and strive to reach these goals. Although you will probably make mistakes, to be a success in real estate investment, you need to learn from them and move forward to make better, more educated decisions in the future. Some mistakes may put you off completely, but perseverance is a must in order to succeed, after all, as Winston Churchill once said:

"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm."

Remember this quote and remain determined and focused on your goals and the strategies to achieve them. Stick within your budget and be cautious when viewing property. Do not assume anything or take anything at face value. If you are unsure, have an expert check it out for you before you decide whether to invest.

We highly recommend reading more info at a great website called Travel Real Estate Career. Justin Brown runs the site along with informative Spam Blocker and Autoresponder sites.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Writen by Joel Teo

Real Estate Investment Financing is simply industry jargon for a real estate investment loan. In a bad property market where rental yields are low, the most dreaded word that you can say to a real estate investor is negative equity. So what is negative equity? It is a situation which arises when the foreclosed value of your property is less than the price that you paid for it and in certain states like in New York, the mortgagee (the bank) can then bring a deficiency action against the owner to reclaim the difference.

This article will therefore go on to examine three ways to prevent a negative equity situation in the longer term.

The first key to preventing yourself from a negative equity situation is always look at the downside of any investment and analyze the rental yield of your property in a bad year. In real estate investment terms, this means that you look at the average rental yields of your property in the lean years to see if it drops below your monthly instalment for your mortgage repayment. I hate guessing, so the best way is to go to a real estate agent and ask them to generate a graph and then do your own analysis to see if your property rental would go below the amount that you are paying for your monthly mortgage instalment.

The second factor to consider is the price that you pay and the monthly instalments. Many people during a property boom, tend to overpay for their property and as a result, when the economy turns around, the changes of a negative equity situation arising is quite possible. Excessive exuberance in the real estate market like in the stock market can make you more likely to buy the property at an all time high.

The third factor is the rebound of a sector. Spend some time looking at statistical data. Which property sectors rebound more quickly than others in response to a good market and economy? By choosing your property investment right, even if the market is bad, your chances of a turnaround are better than the national average. This is also an application of the common adage of "making the best of a bad situation" in real estate investing.

In conclusion, by spending some time to consider the three above contributing factors and spending some time to analyze a property investment can save you much heartache later and prevent you from falling into a negative equity Real Estate Investment Financing situation.

Copyright © 2006 Joel Teo. All rights reserved. (You may publish this article in its entirety with the following author's information with live links only.)

Joel Teo is the successful Webmaster of Learn how you can make more money today from Real Estate Investment today and start generating a positive monthly cashflow from your property investments.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Writen by Ivar Rudi

Are you on a small budget, but you want to purchase a home? If you are on a small budget, and you want to get a home, to start living as a family in an area that you love, look towards homes that have recently been foreclosed. A foreclosure is one that someone else has lost. The homeowner may not have been able to keep up on their mortgage payments, and the bank has taken over the property. Banks and financial companies don't like to hold onto these properties for long, because of the interest, the payments and the money that is being lost over all.

To find a home that has been through foreclosure you can begin your search online or offline. Many links to foreclosure companies and banks are going to offer listings of where foreclosure homes have been located. A foreclosure company is going to offer great rates, and will offer great prices on homes that they want to sell.

While nothing can be done for those who have been through the foreclosure process, and for those who have lost their homes, you can take advantage of the situation. You can purchase home, at a reasonable cost, and create a home for your family.

To purchase a home that has been through foreclosure, the process is going to be very similar to that of any other mortgage. You will have to apply for a mortgage, you will have to pass the background check, and you will be subject to interest costs, and closing costs of the mortgage. A foreclosure home may require some additional legal background work, so you will need to hire an attorney to look out for your best interests.

A foreclosure home is one that has been abandoned because the previous owners could no longer pay for the home. You will find that many types, sizes, and styles of homes are often included on the foreclosure listings by banks. You will find one bedroom homes, two bedrooms homes, rental units, retail and commercial buildings and you will find luxury homes, vacation homes, even mansions included on foreclosure listings.

The home of your dreams could be very affordable if you take the time to look at the foreclosure listings. The foreclosure listings will give you an idea of the city and the state where the home is located, and from there you are often required to contact the bank, the financial company or perhaps a real estate agent as listed, to find out more about the property. The only limitations you will have in purchasing foreclosure homes is going to be your credit limit and where you want to live. Homes from across the nation, from Vegas, California, to Virginia, Florida and in Washington are available for purchase.

Copyright 2006 - Ivar Rudi. For more information and resources about this subject check out:

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Monday, July 7, 2008

Writen by Mansi Aggarwal

Foreclosed house as the name suggests is the house that is closed for an individual or a group of individuals prior to its being owned by some other person. This situation arises when a mortgager either does not bother to take his house back or is unable to release it due to adverse circumstances and so lack of money. As a result the mortgaging company takes over the charge of the house and offers to resale it.

The Foreclosed Homes figure in newspaper advertisements and property news, local magazines and on Internet. Real estate agents too have plenty of foreclosed homes offers lying with them. So a talk with these agents can be quite beneficial. A visit to the courthouse can also inform you about many budding and mature deals. On the same hand you can also fortunately grab a wonderful deal by attending the invariably held auctions for these houses. If the auction options appears risky to you, ensure a safe purchase of a foreclosed house via a bank or the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

What makes the Foreclosed homes a cut above the rest is their inexpensiveness. These houses are available at an incredible fifty percent discount to their market value. In the present scenario when property prices are touching the sky, the cheap rates of these foreclosed houses are definitely a boon for the mediocre class. The down payment for these houses is also considerably less in comparison to the amount required while purchasing a normal house. Moreover these houses can be conveniently financed at affordable EMIs through banks and other financing institutions. At several times it is possible to get upto hundred percent of the purchase financed!

But there are always two sides of a coin. So if there are merits there are demerits too. The condition of the house or its wear and tear is the foremost concern. Since these houses are purchased as it is, it is at the onus of the buyer to fix up all the infrastructure problems. The risk factor is more in case of purchasing these houses through an auction because most often more than half of the contenders have not seen the interiors of the house before. Also the deal once made cannot be reversed at any cost. After the deal is finalized it becomes mandatory for the buyer to accept the house even though it is a shack. However if the buyer is prudent enough to acquire requisite information about the house prior to quoting a price for it, the purchase can be extremely beneficial.

The buyer of a foreclosed house should bear in mind that these houses are not necessarily empty. Till the mortgage company hands over the house to the buyer, the initial residents are the owners. It is at the discretion of the buyer to keep the former owners as tenants or ask them to evacuate the house. Moreover the furnishing of the house or its renovation is not the responsibility of those dwelling in there since the beginning.

Mansi aggarwal writes about foreclosed home.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Writen by Mirza Mohammed Ali Baig

A realtor has become an invaluable component when buying a house in this age. A realtor can provide good escort in ones search for the ideal house one have in mind. Realtor could also broker the deal to make sure that everything is to ones advantage. Realtor would also inform one about the pros and cons of even the minutest aspects of home buying. Real estate professionals who are members of the National Association of Realtors can label themselves Realtors. Talk to friends, acquaintances and business associates about who they would recommend. This will generally give you one of the best indications to a good realtor. Watch their suggestions but still pays to check out all of their recommendations. Check local papers for Realtors who are heavily into advertising. One want a Realtor who is going to promote ones property and Heavy advertising is also a good sign of a successful realtor. Look for a realtor who specializes in ones area and within ones submarket. In smaller communities choose someone who specializes primarily in residential property moreover There is no logic in choosing a realtor specializing in commercial property if you want to sell your house.

The process of buying a home or investment generally starts with determining ones buying power means ones financial reserves plus ones borrowing capacity. If one gives a real estate agent some basic information about ones available savings, income and current debt, they can refer one to lenders best qualified to help. Sometime agent can recommend repairs and cosmetic work that will significantly enhance the salability of the property. Marketing includes the exposure of ones property to other real estate agents and the public. Ones agent acts as the marketing coordinator, disbursing information about ones property to other real estate agents through a Multiple Listing Service. Advertising is part of marketing. The choice of media and frequency of advertising depends a lot on the property and specific market. Overexposure of a property in any media may give a buyer the impression the property is distraught or may be the seller is frantic ,so real estate agent will know when, where and how to advertise property.

Real estate agents or brokers are generally paid through the sales commission paid by the seller when a transaction closes. Agents have expenses and financial obligations just like us so it will be to ones mutual benefit if you choose a real estate agent and stick with that person. The agent will respect ones loyalty and respond with a sincere commitment.

Proposition for finding best Realtor:

Surf the Internet and find information about Realtors and their companies on the Living Network. Click on the Realtor and Real Estate Companies section.

Talk to real estate agents who have experience selling homes in the same price range as yours. One can get direct by reading the real estate ads in your local newspaper.

Choose Realtor with care Friends, neighbors and co-workers are often good sources for referrals. Try to find out as much as possible about their home buying or selling experience in regard to service they receive and will they choose this Realtor or real estate company again?

Attend open houses to observe sales associates in action this will let one know about there familiarity with the property and notice there professional manner in showing home

Look for local real estate companies Realtors who work your area are best equipped to answers questions about schools, businesses, places of worship and other services of interest to prospective buyers.

Find out how well the agent knows the areas that one is considering and Inquire about credentials, licensing and areas of expertise.

Learn if the agent and agency belongs to the Multiple Listing Service, Ask about the types of homes the agent typically deals with and there similarity to what one is buying and selling.

Why Buyers Should Hire A REALTOR

A Realtor works for you as your agent and with you throughout the home selling process. Realtor helps you to sell your home with minimum delay and to help you realize every dollar its worth. A Realtor frees you from the problems associated with showing your home as Realtor handles all phone inquiries, makes appointments, does the actual showing and follows up.

Expect the commitment, integrity and professionalism that this implies Realtor work hard on your behalf. Realtor is a skilled salesperson who knows how to merchandise your home effectively.

Knows the local housing market and can help you set a fair market price. Realtor has knowledgeable of current financing methods that allow prospects to become homeowners.

Realtor sets one free from the time, effort and details involving the sale of ones home. With so many resources available a Realtor is able to help one come out with the same amount of dollars and sometimes more than one could command by selling it own.

Realtor Do lot of homework back at the office in order to sell your home .Realtor will initiate, carry out and follow through on every phase of the important and complex home selling transaction.

A Realtor helps one determine how much home one can actually afford and suggest additional ways to accrue the down payment and explain alternative financing methods. A Realtor can often suggest simple, imaginative changes that could make a home more suitable for one and improve its utility and value. A Realtor has no emotional ties to the homes, can be objective about them and can point out advantages and disadvantages while answering your questions.

A Realtor can help one work out a realistic idea of the home best suited to one needs - size, style, features, location, and accessibility to schools, transportation and shopping and other public facilities , as Realtor has access to listings of available homes, can evaluate them in terms of one needs and affordability.

A Realtor can supply information on real estate values, taxes, utility costs, municipal services and facilities and is aware of proposed zoning changes that could affect your decision to buy. Moreover Realtor can usually research your housing needs in advance through a Multiple Listing Service even if you are relocating in another city.

A Realtor can tell you if local law requires an attorney at closing and can provide you with a list to choose from if you don't have one.

A Realtor usually knows the local money market and can tell you about financing. A Realtor can also tell you what personal and financial data to bring with you when you apply for a loan. Realtor can help familiarize you with the closing process by explaining it all in advance.

A Realtor is part of a network of professional colleagues, such as appraisers, home inspectors, mortgage lenders, contractors and insurance agents through which you may be more completely served.

A Realtor maintains objectivity in responding to possible criticisms by the buyer and in presenting offers and counter-offers until an agreement is reached and Realtor can familiarize you with the closing procedures by explaining them all in advance.

I am Mirza Mohammed Ali Baig and I write articles for fun sake. Visit my websites...,, and for the best quality Articles you ever read.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Writen by Jason Leister

Testimonials are one of the most effective and powerful ways to market your real estate business.

Have you ever been on vacation and asked for recommendations for a good dinner spot? Did you follow through and eat there?

I know I've done it. I've had my buying behavior influenced by a COMPLETE stranger. It's weird, but that's the power of a testimonial. For some reason, it works.

It's about building CREDIBILITY.

How do you think your closing ratio would change if, at your listing presentations, you gave your prospect a little booklet filled with over 300 satisfied client testimonials?

You need to build credibility with your prospects to help turn them into clients and to set you apart from your competition. And the thing is, you're not the best person for that job. But your clients are. It's time to put them to work.

The trick is to automate the entire process so that, over time, your testimonials, or the "preponderance of proof" will be so overwhelming that a prospect would be silly not to do business with you.

So how can you make testimonials a core part of your marketing and how can technology make the job a whole lot easier?

Here are some ideas:

Step 1: Collecting the Critters

It's best to get your testimonials while the "iron is hot." Right after the transaction is done.

1. Autoresponders - Autoresponder services are an excellent way to automate the testimonial collection process. Have a series of 5 or six emails set to go out beginning right after the transaction is over - when your clients are happy. Each email could be a mixture of helpful tips for them and then a request for them to submit a testimonial in exchange for a free gift. Whatever you do, don't give up if they don't respond after the first email. People are busy and their attention is scattered, so it might take the full 5 or 6 email series to get them to take action.

2. Website - Have a special page on your website just for collecting testimonials. When you are communicating with your clients via email or in writing, be sure to give them the address and ask them to complete your testimonial form. Give them a "free gift" in return for having invested some of their time.

3. Audio Line - Audio lines are a great way to collect audio testimonials, in your clients' own words. They call an 800 number and leave their testimonial just like they were leaving you a voicemail. From there, you can post it on your website for everyone to hear.


Step 2: Start Spreadin' the News

Once you have the testimonials, start using using them. Here are some tips to spread them far and wide.

1. Autoresponders - Create a 10 day email course (one letter set to be emailed each day) about something of value to your prospects like, "How to get top dollar for your home, even in a buyer's market." Prospects can sign-up for the course at your website. Each day they will get an email with helpful info and a targeted testimonial from one of your happy clients.

2. Fax on Demand - Put all of your testimonials into "Case Studies," where you describe what you achieved for your clients followed by their testimonials. Use a Fax-on-Demand service and promote the number in your marketing materials. Your prospects can get the information without ever talking to anyone and you will capture their phone number for easy follow-up.

3. Audio Testimonial Line - Combine all of your audio testimonials into one long "mini-commercial" and make them available to prospects 24/7. They call an 800 number and can hear all of the great things about you anytime, anywhere.

Use technology to leverage the hard work that you have already done and the results you have already achieved with your clients. Use testimonials on your website, your advertising, and everywhere else and soon you could have prospects standing in line to do business with you.

Jason Leister, the Real Estate Technology Guru (tm), is owner of Computer Super Guy, LLC, a Chicago-based technology firm that helps real estate professionals profit with technology.

Visit the Real Estate Technology Guru to subscribe to our free monthly eZine, ProfIT, and receive a FREE copy of our special report "The Truth About Real Estate Websites and Search Engine Optimization."

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM

