Saturday, June 14, 2008

Writen by Elizabeth Grant

Over the years property investment has been seen by many as an attractive venture. This has in the main been due to its high income yield and the fact that it performs well during periods of stable economic growth. With the last 15 years providing an extremely stable economy, many people interested in property investment in the UK are holding back due to fears that they could lose money should this period of economic stability end. Below we look at reasons why despite the risks, property investment could be the right way forward for you.

Property Investment for the Long-Term.

Generally speaking property investment gives you access to two main benefits: capital growth and tax advantages. Capital growth is the money you will make as the value of your property increases. Experts claim that property investment which is undertaken with a long term viewpoint is unlikely to lose money regardless of any changes in economic circumstances due to capital growth. This is because if you look at the long term history of property prices they have overall continued to increase. The house that you bought will have cost more than the same sized house that your parents bought thirty years ago. This means that as long you are never in absolute need to sell the property you can choose to sell the property at the right time to make you the most amount of profit.

Property Investment Portfolio.

One way to make property investment an even more secure type of investment would be to buy several properties in a range of countries. This would mean that even if the property market was struggling in the UK you would be able to get your financial security from the property you have elsewhere. If you are concerned about the costs involved in doing this then it is worth considering buying a property in a country which falls under the up and coming category. This would include countries which have recently entered the EU or are set to enter the EU. The property prices in these countries are as such that purchase of the property is certainly worthwhile.

If you are interested in finding out more about some of the benefits property investment can bring then it is always advisable to get in contact with a specialist who will be able to give you impartial advice.

Elizabeth Grant writes exclusively for The Mortgage Broker specialist mortgage websites. To read more of Elizabeth 's articles on Buy to Let Mortgages please visit the Buy to Let Centre.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Friday, June 13, 2008

Writen by Paula Straub

We've all made bad decisions in the past. Don't you just hate to hear "I told you so" from your friends and family? Or, maybe you catch yourself saying "If only I'd have...?"

Personally, I'm one of those people who prefers to learn from someone else's mistakes. If you're at all like me, and you have thought about doing a 1031 exchange into a tenant in common (TIC) property, take note. You can avoid making the 3 Major Mistakes that others wished they knew before leaping from the frying pan into the fire!

Before I let you in on the secrets, let me briefly explain what a 1031 exchange into a tenant in common property is. It's a fairly well-kept secret in and of itself.

A 1031 exchange is when an investment property owner sells his current property and exchanges it for a "like-kind" property of equal or greater value. By doing so, he defers the payment of capital gains tax and the consequences of recaptured depreciation.

By exchanging into a tenant in common property, or a TIC, he becomes a part owner of a large commercial property managed by professionals, who in turn pay him a monthly income. It comes with fewer strings than private annuity trusts, charitable remainder trusts, or an exchange into another property that still needs your attention and often drains your wallet. I find that very few individuals, CPA's, attorneys, or even financial advisors are sufficiently well versed in the 1031 exchange into a tenant in common property. It can be a terrific deal!

Those who benefit most from this type of an exchange usually have several things in common. 1. They own investment property that has appreciated significantly in value.

2. They are tired of all the hassles of property management.

3. They don't want to pay huge amounts of capital gains tax if they sell.

4. They would like to have a significant increase in monthly passive income.

5. And, lastly, they still enjoy the relative stability of owning real estate.

Know of anyone who fits this description? If so, read on.

There are 3 Major Mistakes that can turn your investment into a nightmare. So, avoid these at all costs when contemplating this type of exchange.

Mistake #1: Dealing with an investment company that does not have their act together. If they seem like they don't know what they are doing, run! Look into their history of TIC offerings, and ask for referrals from satisfied clients. Ideally, this should be their only business. Are all their properties "A" grade commercial buildings, or are they somewhat less desirable? Ask how they find the properties and what criteria they use to select them. Quality properties are hard to find and sell out quickly. In real estate, the quality properties will remain more desirable, even when the mediocre properties start to lag. Ask yourself if you would like to have your office in that building, or go to see your doctor there, or if you'd shop in that strip mall.

Note: Also be cautious going the private route and getting into Limited Partnerships when only one or two major players make all the decisions. And, unless you have extensive experience in commercial property, don't get together a bunch of your friends and choose this property on your own.

Mistake #2: Choosing an Accommodator that has not done many, many of these transactions. This Qualified Intermediary makes sure all the documents and money transfers meet all the IRS guidelines. They will set up your LLC. You must use an Accomodator that you don't already have a relationship with. Your family attorney or estate planning attorney may not qualify. The last thing you want is the IRS sending you a hefty bill for taxes or penalties, or the whole transaction falling through due to an incompetent or inexperienced Accommodator!

Mistake #3: Skimping on the property management company. They are extremely crucial to the performance of your investment. You will be depending on them to handle the day to day problems that arise, carry the proper insurance, pay the property taxes on time, and keep your building fully occupied and in tip top shape. This company should offer you a long term triple net lease that has your annual income percentages spelled out, along with scheduled increases. There aren't many out there willing or able to do this. Ask for an accounting of their track record with other properties, how long they've been in business and for a list of any judgments brought against them. See if they've ever requested special assessments, or had any foreclosures. A good management company is worth its weight in gold. You want them to make a tidy profit, because their performance is directly related to your investment stability.

Well, there you have it. Don't be "Penny wise and Pound Foolish". This is one time that hiring the best will definitely bring you the most favorable results. It should truly be a win-win situation for everyone involved.

By avoiding the 3 Major Mistakes for a 1031 exchange into a tenant in common property, you will be the one saying "I told you so" as you collect your monthly check and watch your investment grow!

Paula Straub is a Financial Advisor, Insurance Agent and Mortgage Loan Originator in San Diego, CA. As a successful business owner, Paula strives to guide clients to financial independence in the most timely and efficient manner possible.

How much would you pay to save thousands in Capital Gains Tax? I'll teach you for free in a Teleconference that may change your life. Sign up at ==>

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Writen by Allison Thompson

You have made the decision to move to Spain and are now looking for a property to buy? Where do you start?

Firstly, I would suggest you go on to the internet and look at the various agents that are offering properties for sale in Spain. Many of these companies are run by people who have already emigrated to Spain and will know the many problems and pitfalls that arise when buying a property in Spain.

The next step is decide where you want to live, is it in a Town (urbanization), the Country (campo) even the mountains, the lakes or the Coast. If you want everything close at hand to you, then your best bet would be look at properties in a Town or on the Coast especially if you require medical facilities close at hand. You then need to decide whether you want to buy an apartment, townhouse, villa, finca (country house with land) or a property that needs renovation.

You have now made a decision on where you want to live and what sort of property you want to buy. It is now time to start contacting the agents, both those on the internet and those who are located in the town close to where you wish to live. They will not only provide you with the details of properties they feel would be of interest to you, but they should also be able to provide you with details regarding solicitors, banks (if you may need a mortgage to purchase the property), schools, medical facilities in that area. If possible get the bank to confirm with you what sort of percentage of monies they would lend on the purchase of a property, most banks in Spain only provide 75% mortgages.

You have now found the property of your dreams, one of the first things that you should ask of your agent is does the owner of the property have the right to sell the property and if so can they produce the papers confirming this. If no such document is available, then ask if they will be drawn up before the sale. If not, then do not proceed with the purchase.

Also ask your agent if they can confirm that the property being sold has been provided with all the correct planning permissions by the Local Town Hall. If you find that the property has not been provided with the correct planning permissions by the Town Hall, this may mean that the property has been built illegally. At present the Government in Spain is now starting to enforce the laws regarding illegal builds and this has sometimes resulted in properties being demolished and large fines incurred by the developers.

However, the problem above is only a minor one, and as long as you find yourself a reputable agent to help you in your task of finding the property of your dreams then these above problems should be of no consequence to you.

I hope that the information provide aboves helps you in make your decision to purchase a property in Spain a pleasant one.

Allison Thompson, living in Spain and partner of a small and friendly real estate company.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Writen by Biana Babinsky

If you run a real estate business, you are well aware of the importance of marketing. If your potential clients don't find you, they are likely to find your competitor and give their commissions to them.

Internet marketing is an excellent solution for real estate agents. A real estate agent can reach people who they would not be able to meet otherwise by using Internet marketing. Here are five tips to help you reach your potential customers:

- Create A Professional Web Site For Your Real Estate Business. You need to present a professional online image to attract real estate clients. Potential clients who find your web site will equate the professional look and feel of the web site to your own professionalism, since the web site is the only piece of information they have to evaluate your real estate business.

The web site for your real estate business should have a professional look and feel and have information about you, your business, and services that you provide to your clients. There should be a way for potential clients to contact you. After all, you would like these people to get in touch with you and start working with you.

- Publish A Real Estate Newsletter. Not everyone who comes to your web site is going to be in need of your services immediately. Many people shop around, reading information about dozens of real estate agents before picking a real estate agent to work with. Others may not need to buy or sell a house now, but they maybe in need of your services at a later date. You need to be able to keep in touch with people who come to your web site, but are not ready to hire you yet.

A newsletter is a great tool to keep in touch with your web site visitors, share information with them and educate them about your products and services. Make sure that you have a newsletter subscribe form on every page of your web site, and that you offer a compelling reason for your web site visitors to subscribe to it.

- Offer A Compelling Reason For Your Web Site Visitors to Subscribe To Your Newsletter. If you are not inviting your web site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, you are losing money in the long run. Make sure that you are offering a free report, or some other free gift for everyone who subscribes to your newsletter. By doing this, you will be able to get more newsletter subscribers and more clients for your business.

- Optimize Your Web Site for Search Engines. Search engine optimization is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. By optimizing your web site for search engines you can get more people looking for real estate agents in your area to your web site.

- Publish Your Articles Online. Publishing articles is an excellent way to show off your expertise, let others know about your real estate business and drive traffic to your web site. When you write and publish your articles, other web site owners pick them up and publish them on their web sites, while giving you a link back to your web site.

Use the five techniques we outline above to drive targeted potential clients to your real estate web site. Effective Internet promotion of your real estate business will help you drive clients to your real estate business every single day.

Biana Babinsky is the online business consultant, expert and author who teaches real estate agents how to get more clients online. Subscribe to her free Effective Online Marketing Newsletter at to learn how to promote your real estate business online.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Writen by Nathan T. Lynch

In the past twenty years, newly constructed communities have seen a rise in golf course property. In the past, these homes were found only in the luxury home market, appealing to the executive class. However, with an ever aging population, many affordable golf course properties have been developed to appeal to retirees. These developments are especially popular in the U.S. "sun belt", where the climate is conducive for ideal conditions year around. Additionally, a golf course has also been added to many newly constructed neighborhoods that appeal to middle class homeowners.

One major homebuilder estimates that ten percent of their new construction projects are golf course properties. That number is even as high as twenty percent in Southern states, with the majority being built in Nevada, Arizona, Texas and Florida, prime retiree destinations. A change in tradition has also occurred in the types of homes being built on golf course property. Whereas golf courses were lined exclusively with single family homes, there has been increased demand to construct condominiums, apartments and duplexes to cater to the senior population. Additionally, these alternate golf course properties are very popular in the time share industry.

Golf course communities are not immune to basic economic principles of supply and demand, however. Recent reports suggest that the market may have been overbuilt in response to initial demand and golf course property has become more affordable in recent years. Developments outside of major metropolitan areas have had a difficult time luring buyers away from the city for a full-time residence. Some communities have even turned to late night infomercials to lure customers, offering free airfare, gifts, and even discounted sale prices for potential buyers.

Homes on a golf course property may include large, bay windows with outstanding views of the golf course. They may even include extra large garages to accommodate the owner's automobiles and a golf cart. Some communities include, or require, golf club membership fees within the dues for the homeowner's association. Golf course properties are now a lot more affordable and can be a good option for those who are golf enthusiasts or retirees who want to be near a golf course.

Numerous golf course properties darien article and link resources to choose from.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Writen by Clive Wisbey

The Region has four distinct seasons but in general possesses a Mediterranean feel strongly influenced by the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea. Winters are short and cold (the snow and mountains providing spectacular scenery for the region's ski resorts). Spring and autumn are long and warm while the summer is hot and dry.

Piemonte is home to some of the world's most respected award winning wines such as Barbera, Barolo, Barbaresco, Dolcetto, Nebbiolo, and Asti Spumante among many others. The most widely grown grape is of the Nebbiolo variety which is used to produce the famous Barolo wine. The region is world famous for its white truffles which attract thousands of tourists each year to celebratory festivals during autumn, the most famous of which is held in Alba. We must not forget the great cheeses such as the Robiola ('tuma' as the locals call it) which is produced in the Langhe hills. The region is also well known for its hazelnuts which are sold in small craft shops specialising in the production of sweets using this traditional product.

Piemonte contains the provinces of Alessandria, Asti, Cuneo, Novara, Turin and Vercelli. The region forms part of an industrial triangle created by Milan Turin and Genoa.

Turin (Torino) is the regional capital and possesses many fine shops and museums of historical interest. The area has many famous towns such as Asti and Barolo which are world famous for its wines while Alba with its chic sophistication is home to the white truffle festival in autumn. The regions snow and mountains provide spectacular settings for its ski resorts such as Claviere, Sauze d'Oux and Sestriere (it is no coincidence that the winter Olympics are being held in Piedmont in 2006).

Property prices in Piemonte currently represent excellent value for money particularly the old traditional farmhouses which with the fast approaching winter games in Turin should make a good investment.

Copyright Clive Wisbey, All Rights Reserved.

Clive Wisbey is the owner of where you can find information on the region of Piemonte.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Monday, June 9, 2008

Writen by Raynor James

Alaska is the biggest state in the Union and tends to be a take it or leave it proposition for relocation. For those choosing Alaska, the real estate market is a solid investment.


Known as "the great land", Alaska seems like a harsh, remote wilderness and certainly nowhere anyone would want to live. These assumptions are blown away once you visit and are overwhelmed by Mother Nature at her absolute best. From magnificent mountain ranges to ocean shores to glaciers to raging rivers, Alaska is an outdoor enthusiasts dream. In a state that compromises fully 20 percent of the total land mass of the United States, there is practically nothing that can't be found. On a personal aside, Denali National Park is a place you should visit at least once in your lifetime. It will leave a mark and give you a new respect for nature.


Anchorage is home to roughly forty percent of the human population in Alaska as bears, moose and so forth seem to prefer other areas. If you're flying in to Alaska, Anchorage is going to be your destination. Overall, Anchorage is a sprawling, chaotic city. It has received more than its fair share of criticism for being "un-Alaskan," but it is the primary choice of homebuyers looking for a big city in Alaska.


The state capital of Alaska, Juneau is the best city in Alaska in my opinion. The city abuts rain forests, mountains and the Gastineau Channel. Named after the first prospector to strike gold in the area, Juneau is a collection of modern amenities with old world charm. Buy a home in Juneau and you'll wake up every morning to the most spectacular views in the world. Put another way, Juneau is where the cruise ships stop in Alaska.

Alaska Real Estate

In a state as large as Alaska, prices can vary tremendously. Property in small towns can cost next to nothing, but lets focus on the biggies. $300,000 is the average cost for a single-family residence in Anchorage, while it is going to take $450,000 to buy the same home in Juneau. For 2005, homes in Alaska appreciated at a rate of just over 13 percent.

Raynor James is with the FSBO site - - homes for sale by owner. Visit our home buying page to buy homes and read relocation articles.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Writen by Jeanette Joy Fisher

A study conducted in March 2006 by the Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI) has shown that nearly half of all sellers are working on projects to make their homes more saleable. Almost two-thirds of those fix-up projects (some 61 percent) are being done before the property is on the market.

The study also found that some 12 percent of the work is being done after an offer has been made on the home, which represents an doubling since the last HIRI survey in 2004. Many brokers see this as just another indicator that the housing market is slowing down.  

The survey found that one-in-four repairs involve replacement of flooring, although the study didn't ask why the flooring was replaced. It's possible that a sizeable amount of that 25 percent of actually may involve upgrading the flooring to hardwood, tile, or new carpet.
A slightly lower number of repairs, some 22 percent, according to the survey, involved painting, whether interior or exterior. This could be in part because homeowners know that new paint is a relatively inexpensive way to give a home a fresh new look.
Exterior structural work, including new windows and siding, was next on the list, coming in at 12 percent of the repairs listed in the survey. That was followed by electrical work and exterior landscaping, which came in at 9 percent.

The reasons for spending money to upgrade before selling a home are obvious. Sellers are hoping to give their home an edge over the competition and they're hoping their efforts will bring higher offers from buyers. In the HIRI survey, one-third of all respondents said they had made the repairs to make a more favorable impression on buyers, and that's generally a sound investment. History has shown that curb appeal is a huge factor in prompting buyers to make offers. The National Association of Realtors says that half of home sales can be linked to a house's appeal from the street.
Sellers often made the upgrades at the suggestion of a real estate agent. In fact, some 78 percent of respondents said that their agent had recommended a repair or upgrade, although nearly 15 percent said that the repairs had been prompted by a home inspection report. Another indicator is that homeowners were slightly more apt to employ professionals to do the work in 2006 than they were in 2004, showing that they not only want the work done, but they also want it done right to give their homes a competitive edge. Professionals will generally get the work done more quickly, as well.

Homeowners are increasingly beginning to feel that they need to do something extra to attract buyers, and the HIRI figures would seem to indicate a slowing market and increasing competition for buyers. The figures would also seem to indicate that homeowners may be forced to spend more money to make their homes more attractive to a dwindling number buyers as 2006 rolls along.
Copyright © 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

Find out what improvements pay you back and Sell Your Home Fast. Free home sellers teleseminars. Free Home Staging Information at

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Writen by Mark Goldberg

If you have been doing your due diligence in the investment real estate market in Florida you'll hear about many good opportunities in the market as well as some rumors of a mysterious real estate bubble crash. While investment real estate opportunities are selling faster then ever before a few people believe that US real estate market will all the sudden lose all it's value and all of the world's real estate investors investing in Florida will go broke due to over development. While it is true that at some point real estate investing opportunities in Florida will cool down it's highly unlikely it will bust and actually go down in value. Where and how do these rumors start? I'll go over a reasons I feel fuel this rumor mill.

1. People Can't Believe It - This is probably the biggest factor when people talk about the Florida (i.e. Orlando, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale) investment real estate bubble popping is people just can't believe it's going so well. It's natural for people to think that because something is doing well that it is going to stop soon but in the florida investment market there are many large corporations spending a lot of money estimating how long this market will continue to grow. There are many factors to look at when your guessing how long a market has for growth and the experts are predicting at least another 5-7 years of steady growth in Florida.

2. The Profound Expert Factor - These people take every opportunity to say the exact opposite of the status quo and try to make themselves out as intellectuals that think outside the conventional box. These experts are not just in the investment real estate industry they're everywhere and as long as there is a sure thing that is common knowledge there will always be someone saying the opposite in hopes to make a name for themselves.


"Although it APPEARS that on average people are living longer I think in a few decades people's life spans will decrease due to the fact we drink more diary then are bodies were designed to... " - A Profound Expert

The truth is in every industry you have people that are going to say the exact opposite of what's happening and calling themselves gurus in the process. Just another part of life.

3. It's Not the Investors Talking - You ever notice that most of the people that give real estate advice don't actually invest in real estate themselves? I always chuckle when someone with no real estate investing experience explains the future of my industry to me. It is always very dramatic with huge twists and un-expecting turns. I've been in the real estate investing industry for more then 19 years now and I've seen very few expecting turns. Truth is that most of the investors know when to buy and when to sell and it's these weekend warriors that get slammed with the truth months later when they read about it in the local paper.

In the Florida investment real estate industry the changes are usually slow and avoidable as long as you are with the right brokerage that stays current with the market.

4. Agents Eliminating the Competition - If your job is selling investment real estate opportunities to investors are you going to encourage competition into your market that may result in you getting less clients? Of course not, real estate agents are very aware that the more agents in the business the less sales they get and unless you're working for in a firm they own so don't expect accurate real estate advice from these agents.

Look at it this way, if you're "friends" with a real estate agent he already looks to you as a lead, this is how a real estate agent makes his living. If you get into the real estate industry you (and your friends) are no longer leads and actually competition.

5. Investors Eliminating the Competition - Now imagine you're a real estate investor and buying preconstruction real estate opportunities in Florida and it's becoming harder and harder because of all the new investors entering the market. Do you really want to start telling other people that florida investment real estate properties are very profitable right now? The answer is no, almost every serious investor I have met keeps their investment opportunities to themselves unless they profit from it.

Investors are businesspeople first and foremost. If you're not paying them for their advice chances are it's not solid advice. I remember investors that were very willing to give out super secret stock tips as long as by you investing in the stock made their shares go up.

Remember, the most expensive advice is always the free advice.

If you're looking for the truth behind Florida investment real estate opportunities feel free to visit our site or give me a call directly.

Goldberg Executive Realty Group
Mark Goldberg
Phone: 1-866-247-2259

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Writen by Monte Helme

The nation's inventory of unsold homes – an important component of a more balanced housing market in the second half of 2005 – is growing steadily in many areas of the country even though buyer demand continues strong, according to the latest HouseHunt, Inc., quarterly "Current Market Conditions" survey. The percentage of member real estate agents reporting plentiful vs. limited supplies increased from 33% in the first quarter to 38% in April, May and June.

Exceptions would be South Florida, Arizona, Southern California and certain other housing and job growth hot spots.

Market equilibrium would be attained when the present 4.3-month national housing supply increases to about six months, or about a 50-50 buyer-seller ratio.

Survey results are based on Current Market Conditions sales data reported by HouseHunt's Exclusive Agent Referral Network (EARN) members in 47 states. Survey results also included:

• Average national home price appreciation slowed to eight to 10% on an annualized basis in the second quarter as compared to higher, more substantial double-digit price increases in 12-month comparisons in the past two to three years.

• First-time buyer activity declined from 40% in the first quarter of this year to 35% in the second quarter even though mortgage interest rates continued near historic lows and funding is available and relatively easy to find in interest-only and other exotic loans.

• Nine of 10 home sellers are getting 95% or more of their asking prices. Nearly half of those are getting 100% or more. An overwhelming majority of sellers are still getting multiple offers.

• Sixty-five percent of listings are selling in 30 days or less.

Michael Bearden, president and CEO, welcomes the near-term probability of a slower-paced, more balanced housing market: "This would be positive news for consumers, particularly for first time and other entry level home buyers. Slower appreciation and a plentiful supply of unsold homes would certainly energize the entire market in all price ranges. It would also dissipate fears of a housing bubble price collapse."

Monte Helme is a national public relations consultant with HouseHunt, Inc. Previously, he was vice president of public relations and publications for Century 21 Real Estate Corp.; vice president of communications for AmeriNet Financial Services (now LendingTree); assistant city editor/Orange County for the Los Angeles Times; executive sports editor of the Rockford, IL, Morning Star and Register-Republic; and reporter for the Dixon, IL, Evening-Telegraph. Find real estate, homes for sale through public mls, and check what my home is worth by visiting websites, powered by HouseHunt, Inc.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM

