Saturday, February 7, 2009

Writen by Timothy Wright

Brits moving permanently to Bulgaria

It has been reported that many Brits are falling for Bulgaria 's charms with a growing number choosing to move there permanently. In recent years investment has been the main driving force behind the number of Brits buying property in the country but many have decided to buy and live outside the Sunny Beach area and a few miles inland as well as other village areas around the country.

There are a number of factors for those choosing to move but the low cost of living and the seemingly peaceful surrounds are the most likely reasons so many Brits are making the move. Many have also been able to rent out there properties back in the UK , and live very comfortably off the rental income in Bulgaria .

As more companies relocate to Bulgaria to take advantage of the low wages and to strategically place themselves for the countries' expected accession to the EU in 2007, many British employees are expected to relocate with their employers. Tourist areas have seen recent year-on-year growth of between 25% up to as much as 100% however those opting to live in to move permanently prefer to be based inland.

Many Brits are buying around the Veliko Turnovo region with home prices starting as low as GBP 10,000. There are still cheaper homes available however many will require additional funds to provide for renovations. The move is been made by both retirees who find they can make their pension stretch a lot further and younger people looking for new business opportunities and finding it difficult to get on the property ladder in the UK.

EU Final word on Bulgaria to be known soon

Oli Rehn, European Enlargement Commissioner is soon expected to present his report on Bulgaria Romania's accession to the EU in January 2007. It is generally believed that the planned memberships will go ahead however the accession treaty does contain a safeguard clause allowing membership to be postponed by one year if further reforms in each country are deemed necessary.

Tim Wright is an international property investor and regular article contributor. He is the author of "Bulgarian Property - The Overseas Buyers' Kit" available at

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Friday, February 6, 2009

Writen by Alison Cole

There are many trade associations in Austin that deal specifically with apartments. These include the Austin Apartment Association (AAA), the Texas Apartment Association, Inc. (TAA), and the National Apartment Association (NAA). There associations are non-profit institutions dedicated to the service of the rental housing industry. With growing demand for rented apartment in and around Austin, these associations play a key role in protecting the interests of both property owners as well as renters.

The Austin Apartment Association (AAA), established in 1964, is affiliated to the Texas Apartment Association and the National Apartment Association. AAA members include property owners, builders, developers, property managers, REIT executives, management companies and on-site staff and vendors who supply products and services to the industry. The AAA represents more than 155,000 rental units in Austin and ten other counties in Central Texas. AAA members represent more than 100 units in the Greater Austin area. They represent nearly 98% of the total rental properties in Austin. AAA has a membership from more than 500 apartment communities in the area of Greater Austin. AAA offers advise and consultancy services for renting and leasing of apartments.

The Texas Apartment Association, Inc. (TAA), founded in 1963, is also a non-profit organization committed to the development of the rental housing industry. The main objective of TAA is to educate and advocate the members, who comprise mainly of property owners, developers, builders and property management companies. TAA is affiliated to the National Apartment Association and other local associations in 25 cities in Texas. TAA has a membership base of over 10,000 members and represents close to 1.6 million rental units across Texas. On the whole, the TAA represents property worth more than $150 billion in market value. TAA provides standard forms and applications for lease contracts, rental contracts and other property issues.

Austin apartment associations are great for both property owners and residents. These associations can protect owners and provide valuable information to prospective residents.

Austin Apartments provides detailed information about Austin apartments, Austin apartment guides, Austin apartment locators, and more. Austin Apartments is affiliated with Home Furnishings.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Writen by Donald Lawson

In my profession as a home inspector, I get to witness some amazing flipping deals. Some are profitable, some aren't. Here are the common mistakes I see flipper continuing to make.

#1. Falling In Love With The Home: Hey, it's just a house built out of sticks and clay. There are thousands more. If you can't keep from falling in love with every home you see, then flipping homes isn't for you. Never forget it's a business, treat it that way.

#2. Keep Your Mouth Shut! There's an old saying in the Navy. "Loose lips sink ships". More than once I've inspected a home for an Investor and have the Investor call up a week later saying they lost the deal to someone else. Some people just can't keep their mouth's shut. Wait until you walk away from the closing table to tell everyone what a deal you made!

#3. First Impressions Are The Most Important: Spend the dough on the landscaping and exterior of the front of the home. I've seen more homes sold and more homes fallen in love with (see rule #1) from a great first impression than any other single item. Clean and shiny door knobs, door knockers, coach lamps and address numbers will add to the impression. If it doesn't add cosmetically to the home, get rid of it.

#4. Don't go overbored The simple fact is that most homes can be flipped for a decent profit by cleaning and replacing the carpet and paint. Too many times flippers think they need to sink thousands of dollars on a home to make it sell.

Many times what happens is they will remodel the home and it ends up being priced higher than anything in the neighborhood and sits on the market untill the Investor drops the price. Take a page from the flipping pro's book. Keep it to the basics. You're trying to make a profit, not make the front cover of a glamour magazine.

#5. When In Doubt, Reread Rule #1 Some people need Rule #1 stapled to their forheads!

#6. Don't Get Greedy! If you've priced your home well, then take the first offer that comes along. It's not worth your home setting on the market for months because you're too tight to come off the price a thousand or two. Reread rule #1!

Donald Lawson is a Professional Real Estate Inspector licensed in Texas (#5824) and Oklahoma (#454). He currently owns and operates V.I.P. Home Inspections, a Houston Home Inspection company. If you're interested in investment opportunity's in Houston Tx, see his Houston Real Estate page.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Writen by Dennis Estrada

The Home Equity Loan, which is another term for second mortgage, lets the borrowers to borrow up to ninety five percent of the home equity accumulated. The home equity loan also allows the borrower to spend on home improvements, debt consolidation, home renovations, vacation getaway, vehicles, investments, college education, or other expenses.

The home equity composes of the appraised value minus amount owe. And, the borrower uses the home as collateral for the loan. The collateral serves as property to guarantee repayment of the loan. In case of default of payment on loan, the lender seizes the property. Most of the time, the loan will be repaid in shorter period of time between five to fifteen years. Rarely, the loan is repaid in thirty years.

For example, the home owner bought a three bedroom house for $300,000 with $30,000 down payment. So, the home owner borrows $270,000 ($300,000 - $30, 000). After ten years, the home owner pays off the principal by $42,000. He still owes $228,000. At the same time, the appraised value comes to $500,000. Using the amount owe and appraised value, he calculates the equity to $272,000 ($500,000 - $228, 000). Eventually, he can borrow up to ninety percent of $272,000.

Types of Home Equity Loan

First Rate Loans give a single lump-sum payment to the borrower. And, he pays the loan on regular set of payment periods over time. The payment amount and interest rate stays the same thru out the life of the loan.

Variable Rate Loans, which is also called Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC), offers more flexible on payment. Some loans offer to pay interest only at earlier periods, and pay the principal gradually at later periods. Some loans offer discounted interest rate temporarily at the earlier periods. And, the interest rates fluctuate thru out the life of the loan. Next, this loan works like a credit card. The lender gives the borrower a credit limit. And, the borrower can use up to the credit limit. The main benefit is lower interest rate than normal credit cards.

Cost of Home Equity Loan

The costs are similar to acquire the first mortgage such as appraisal fee, application fee, and discount points. The appraisal fee is paid for the real estate appraiser to estimate the value of the property, while the application fee is paid upon application. The application fee may include property appraisal and credit report. As for the discount points, it is upfront fee to bring the mortgage payment.

There are also closing costs. The closing costs may include attorney, title search, mortgage preparation, and filing fees. Besides the closing costs, there are also recurring costs such as annual membership, and transaction fee. The annual membership fee is paid for the privilege of line of credit, while the transaction fee is paid for each draw on line of credit.

Facts of Home Equity Loan

In a Variable Rate Loans, periodic cap, lifetime cap, index, and margin are important thing to be aware. The periodic cap tells the limit on interest changes. Next, the lifetime cap tells the limit on interest changes on the life of the loan. Another, the index tells how much to raise or lower the interest rate. Finally, the margin tells amount to be added to the index.

Like any mortgage, the loans have terms and conditions. The terms and conditions tells what happen to the property in case of default, how the repayment carries on the life of loan, what penalties puts into action on late payments, or so. The Federal Truth in Lending Act also protects the borrower. The Act ensures that the borrower is inform on terms and conditions, the fees is return on undecided transaction, the borrower allows for three days cancellation, and terms and condition remains the same on life of the loan.

Dennis Estrada is a webmaster of mortgage calculators website which calculate the monthly payment, bi-weekly payment, affordability, refinance, annual percentage rate, discount points, and more.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Writen by Bill Carey

We are all so skeptical we don't believe much of what we are told. We need the reassurance of seeing for ourselves proven results. At the least we require some sort of guarantee or commitment from any salesperson we are dealing with. Real estate is no different.

There was a time not that long ago that all agents represented the seller in residential real estate. As a buyer you had no control and were at the mercy of sellers, agents, title companies, mortgage companies and attorney's (unless you hired an attorney to represent you). "Caveat emptor" Buyer Beware was the law of the land and essentially how the real estate transactions took place. Major changes have occurred over the past 10 years where buyer agency has now become the normal and required practice in real estate transactions.

For a new home buyer hearing all of the scary stories about real estate and how you can be burned in the process its' hard for them to get their hands around the real benefits of buyer agency. With Buyer Agency you now have control you have your agent right where you want them under contract working for you not the seller. Best of all you can cancel the contract easier than the agent. With a phone call and fax to your agents Broker in Charge or by a complaint to the Real estate board you're on your merry way with apologies from every one involved.

What should you expect from your agent when employing the as your exclusive agent?

1.To seek property at a price and terms acceptable to you,

2.Presenting in a timely manner all written offers and counter offers,

3.Disclosing all material facts related to the property and transaction,

4.Accounting for in a timely manner all money and property,

5.Maintain confidentiality of all personal and financial information,

6.Comply with all laws and regulations,

7.Treat sellers honestly and not give them false information,


That's the standard contract stuff, how about the other things that will benefit you in buying a home?

Below are 15 techniques that professional Buyer Agents use to save you thousands.

1.Real Estate Team approach to the real estate business, Buyer agents, listing agents, customer care assistants, and a closing coordinator are needed to properly handle all properly the functions of a real estate agent.

2.Written guarantees, the best agents will put in writing 2 guarantees. A performance guarantee (i.e. Save you $5,000 on your home purchase price or they will pay you $500 at closing). A cancellation guarantee ( If the agent has not done everything they said they would and your not completely satisfied with their performance you can cancel the Buyer agency contract no questions asked)

3.Weekly communication at a minimum. A phone call, email or face to face meeting. With the agent or team member working on your transaction.

4.Multiple forms of contact for you of your agent: office phone number, direct phone number, fax number, email address, website, cell phone number. Names and functions of team members who will be working with you.

5.Emailing you daily or weekly new listings that come on the market meeting your specific buying criteria. VIP Buyers program.

6.Mortgage pre-approval, helping you with the process by giving you information and following up with competent mortgage professionals who can have the mortgage processed, delivered and closed on time.

7.Home Inspection, giving you information and following up with professional home inspectors who will meet your dead lines with complete line item reports and photographs.

8.Title company or Attorney, who can start the process on a timely basis to competently and quickly complete the title work report any deficiencies and work with the sellers and sellers agent to clean them up to meet the closing schedule.

9.Engineers Survey companies, have competent engineers who will complete the survey quickly and professionally and present any problems in a timely manner.

10.Phone numbers for all local utilities gas, electric, cable TV so you can have them transferred into your name in time for closing.

11.Schools phone numbers, addresses, websites and locations of schools public and private in the areas you are considering for your new home.

12.Hotels and apartments complexes convenient for you if there is a delay or while your new home is under construction.

13.Local information on parks, recreation, maps, newspapers, chamber of commerce, banking, shopping, grocery stores, restaurants.

14.Contractors and service providers, lawn service, house cleaning, widow washing, roofing contractors, plumbers, electricians, deck builders.

15.Hospitals, clinics, special needs for your children, parents or you.

Your agent should be in contact with you and be able to offer assistance or direct you to where you can get help without leaving you out on your own. Keeping in contact (communication) is what will make the house hunting and closing go smoother and lessen the complications.

Bill Carey with over 30 years in real estate sales, investments, and home building offers a unique perspective to the buying and selling process of residential real estate for F*R*E*E consumer information and reports log on to and see "Insider Real Estate Secrets Revealed" ...a must-read for Home-Owners and Renters! It's a F*R*E*E 12-lesson e-course covering more than 20 topics exposing the realities behind buying and selling a home. It Could Make(or Save) You Thousands of Dollars

See and sign up for our monthly e-newsletter with tips for buyers, sellers, home owners and soon to be home owners.

(Your Comments are Welcome)

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Monday, February 2, 2009

Writen by Robert Lipply

Florida's Suncoast is where you will find the picturesque beachfront communities of Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg. It isn't unusual for this trio of pristine coastal real estate to be referred to as one area. In fact, the combination of these municipalities, and their proximity to the bay, is more commonly knows as: "The Tampa Bay Area".

The treasure-trio of Tampa - St. Pete - Clearwater share in having award-winning gemstones like sandy, premier beaches and plenty of water related recreational activities. But each city also has its own eclectic flavor that is reflected throughout the various neighborhoods that exist in these towns, and also via the vibrant residents living there.

Tampa, as previously mentioned, is situated near the western coast of Florida. The city of Tampa is located in Hillsborough County and serves as Hillsborough's county seat. Tampa is bordered by the waters of Old Tampa Bay, and Hillsborough Bay, which converge, forming "Tampa Bay," as it flows towards the Gulf of Mexico. Tampa consists of approximately 112 miles of exquisitely beautiful land and 58 miles of the purest water.

Tampa has world famous attractions such as: South Tampa's Hyde Park, with upscale shops, theaters, and restaurants. The Seminole Gaming Palace: A casino located on the Seminole Indian Reservation. The Tampa Grand Prix: An entertainment complex with two race tracks, a game room, and two separate 18-hole miniature golf courses. These and other attractions help to fuel Tampa's economy.

Employment in Tampa is primarily in the tourism and services industries, although more and more high tech companies are relocating their headquarters here. New homes in the area can be found starting around $200,000. Condos are plentiful in Tampa and prices are reasonable and negotiable. Tampa has many golf course communities and large luxury home sites too.

West of Tampa is the city of Clearwater, located in Pinellas County. Clearwater is the county seat of Pinellas County and is comprised of 38 miles of land and 12 miles of water. Clearwater is home to two of the nation's top beaches, Clearwater Beach and Sand Key Beach. Clearwater, Florida is steeped in history dating back to the native peoples that inhabited this extraordinarily, beautiful peninsula located on Florida's western coast, and the Spanish explorers who first encountered them in their world explorations.

Employment in Clearwater is bright with many high tech jobs available. The education, healthcare, and manufacturing industries also fuel this cities economy. Small condo prices begin around $70,000 and small single family homes start at roughly $180,000 and can go up into the millions for large estate size waterfront property. The medium home price currently is about $250,000. There are many fantastic properties available in Clearwater for first time home buyers, those relocating from the north or for anyone wanting to upgrade their lifestyle. The cost of living is estimated to be some 5% less than the national average for costs of living.

St. Petersburg, also located in Pinellas County, Florida is most often referred to by its shorter moniker: St. Pete. This city has approximately 59 miles of premium land and about 73 miles of water. The buildings throughout this city display some of the most spectacularly detailed architecture and craftsmanship to be found anywhere else. Downtown's waterfront not only adds charm to this city, it is where you can board a boat to take in some dolphin watching for a fun-filled day. Tourism, education, and healthcare are just some of the employment opportunities in St. Pete. New homes and condos can be found starting at just over $150,000 depending on the area. There are many luxurious waterfront homes in St. Pete and many retirement areas as well.

The whole of Tampa Bay is well served by the world-class air transportation found at Tampa International, and Clearwater / St. Pete Airports. Railways, bridges, and roadways also serve residents and tourist.

The trio of Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg with its combined pristine coastlines, sandy beaches, and the infusion of each city's own unique flavors, creates a treasure chest of gemstones that sparkle brilliantly under Florida's sun-kissed, semi-tropical horizon.

Bob Lipply is a top Real Estate Broker Associate in the Tampa Real Estate area. He and his team have been helping families relocate to Florida and on the selling end get top dollar for their homes with great success. Lipply Real Estate also specializes in Clearwater Real Estate, visit his website where you can search the MLS for up to date available homes for sale.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Writen by Jim Hart

So you are thinking about buying a home? Typically, people who are planning to buy a home, and especially first time home buyers, start by looking through newspapers ads and real estate magazines before calling a real estate company and talking to a real estate agent. And that's where the problems tend to begin. As a homebuyer you must understand that real estate agents represent sellers (they have a legal duty to represent sellers) and not buyers (.) The only exception to this rule is in the case of "buyer broker representation" which I STRONGLY advise against using because it's basically a scam designed to squeeze money out of both ends of a real estate deal, money from buyers and money from sellers. You see, the term "caveat Emptor" means "buyer beware". That means the duty to protect your legal and financial interests in a real estate deal falls squarely on YOUR shoulders. If you make wrong decisions, sign stupid contracts and do less than an intelligent deal-it is your fault. In my mind, the term "buyer beware" is a fancy way of saying "cheating is okay".

It all boils down to knowledge. Real estate agents are trained in real estate principles, practices, some real estate law and some (and I mean some) financing. How much training have you had? How much do you know about real estate law? How much do you know about real estate financing? What are your financial options? Are the loans being sold to you in your best short, medium and long-range interest? These are key questions you need answered. So here's a few tips on getting your bearings in the right direction before you do anything.

Number 1-Get the home financing together first! This is the singular most important element of a real estate deal. Why? Because after the whirlwind of emotion of your new home passes (and it will) you will have a "mortgage monkey" strapped to your back for 15 or 30 years. You want the best interest rate you can get but you also want the best loan program to meet your personal needs. There are a ton of home loans on the market; 15 and 30-year conventional loans, adjustable rate mortgages (ARMS), Government loans like FHA, VA loans and there are gimmick loans like negative amortization loans, nothing down loans, etc. The point is that lenders are in the business of selling loans- that's right they are selling you a loan and you are paying for it in the form of closing costs and interest rates. Nobody can get this information together for you except you (.) You are the one that will live with the loan and that is why you need to get your financing together first! My report gives you the steps you need to take to seek out the right loan for YOU.

Number 2-Get an attorney specialized in real estate transactions (.) People tend to see a lawyer AFTER they have a legal problem. Be smarter than that-see an attorney first and get representation, buying a home is a big business deal right? I cannot emphasize enough the importance of having a lawyer to review your legal documents before you sign anything (.) Not to hype the report but it has some tips on this issue.

Number 3-Avoid real estate agents until you are strategically ready to talk to them. Remember; agents are trying to sell you a property-and they are not your agent-they are salespeople on a commission and they have a legal duty to not only represent the seller but to get the highest possible price on behalf of the seller. People get hurt everyday in real estate deals and don't even know they are bleeding. Why? Lack of information.

My E-Report: 101 Tips For Homebuyers, Sellers And Money Borrowers will help you with more information regarding this article- go to smart Books website, fill out the form requesting a copy and we'll send it to your email address within 24 hours-absolutely free this week! Another Ezine Article Exclusive! Keep reading, theres' more to come! Until next time...

Smart People Read Smart Books!

Copyright © 2006 James W. Hart, IV All Rights reserved

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Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM

