Sunday, June 8, 2008

Writen by Mark Goldberg

If you have been doing your due diligence in the investment real estate market in Florida you'll hear about many good opportunities in the market as well as some rumors of a mysterious real estate bubble crash. While investment real estate opportunities are selling faster then ever before a few people believe that US real estate market will all the sudden lose all it's value and all of the world's real estate investors investing in Florida will go broke due to over development. While it is true that at some point real estate investing opportunities in Florida will cool down it's highly unlikely it will bust and actually go down in value. Where and how do these rumors start? I'll go over a reasons I feel fuel this rumor mill.

1. People Can't Believe It - This is probably the biggest factor when people talk about the Florida (i.e. Orlando, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale) investment real estate bubble popping is people just can't believe it's going so well. It's natural for people to think that because something is doing well that it is going to stop soon but in the florida investment market there are many large corporations spending a lot of money estimating how long this market will continue to grow. There are many factors to look at when your guessing how long a market has for growth and the experts are predicting at least another 5-7 years of steady growth in Florida.

2. The Profound Expert Factor - These people take every opportunity to say the exact opposite of the status quo and try to make themselves out as intellectuals that think outside the conventional box. These experts are not just in the investment real estate industry they're everywhere and as long as there is a sure thing that is common knowledge there will always be someone saying the opposite in hopes to make a name for themselves.


"Although it APPEARS that on average people are living longer I think in a few decades people's life spans will decrease due to the fact we drink more diary then are bodies were designed to... " - A Profound Expert

The truth is in every industry you have people that are going to say the exact opposite of what's happening and calling themselves gurus in the process. Just another part of life.

3. It's Not the Investors Talking - You ever notice that most of the people that give real estate advice don't actually invest in real estate themselves? I always chuckle when someone with no real estate investing experience explains the future of my industry to me. It is always very dramatic with huge twists and un-expecting turns. I've been in the real estate investing industry for more then 19 years now and I've seen very few expecting turns. Truth is that most of the investors know when to buy and when to sell and it's these weekend warriors that get slammed with the truth months later when they read about it in the local paper.

In the Florida investment real estate industry the changes are usually slow and avoidable as long as you are with the right brokerage that stays current with the market.

4. Agents Eliminating the Competition - If your job is selling investment real estate opportunities to investors are you going to encourage competition into your market that may result in you getting less clients? Of course not, real estate agents are very aware that the more agents in the business the less sales they get and unless you're working for in a firm they own so don't expect accurate real estate advice from these agents.

Look at it this way, if you're "friends" with a real estate agent he already looks to you as a lead, this is how a real estate agent makes his living. If you get into the real estate industry you (and your friends) are no longer leads and actually competition.

5. Investors Eliminating the Competition - Now imagine you're a real estate investor and buying preconstruction real estate opportunities in Florida and it's becoming harder and harder because of all the new investors entering the market. Do you really want to start telling other people that florida investment real estate properties are very profitable right now? The answer is no, almost every serious investor I have met keeps their investment opportunities to themselves unless they profit from it.

Investors are businesspeople first and foremost. If you're not paying them for their advice chances are it's not solid advice. I remember investors that were very willing to give out super secret stock tips as long as by you investing in the stock made their shares go up.

Remember, the most expensive advice is always the free advice.

If you're looking for the truth behind Florida investment real estate opportunities feel free to visit our site or give me a call directly.

Goldberg Executive Realty Group
Mark Goldberg
Phone: 1-866-247-2259

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


