Sunday, June 1, 2008

Writen by Mel Goodwin

That is your best bet, do not consult with a third-party including so-called investors or foreclosure services until you actually spoke to your banker or lender first.

Just let them know of your foreclosure situation and allow them to give rise to any possible options you may have going forward. At minimum, they will probably give you an extension while perhaps adding other provisions in the process to ensure both sides get the maximum benefit of the doubt

In general you will find that they are very responsive and empathize with your situation. If you find them very rude or someone who seems very impatient or flighty, just do the next best thing, and get in touch with another representative within your lending institution.

By all means do not trust any of those investors claim to want to help you. Do not sign any contract without having a lawyer at hand to help you to be the fine print.

Avoid your own horror story as many people can attest to situations where they assign their home over to a charlatan - resulting ultimately not only in STILL falling into foreclosure, but in losing your home completely at the same time. Work with a real estate lawyer or you may assign over the lease of your home unwittingly to these fake investors.

Foreclosure bailout related products and services are available at our web site at

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


