Sunday, August 24, 2008

Writen by Bueford Copeland

The equity you have established in your home may be one of your best assets, you just aren't aware of the value, and many individuals don't realize what they can do with that hidden asset. In fact, there so many uses for the hidden equity in your home that this article is only going to cover the most common.

A home-equity line of credit allows you to withdraw only the amount of money you'll need for various home-improvements, to begin your own business, or even to finance a prospective buyers purchase. The equity in your home can be a withdrawal for investment purposes, 401(k) plans, or debt consolidation. What you chose to do with the equity in your home, can eliminate high interest credit card debt and convert that interest to a tax-deductible year end savings for you.

Many consumers simply aren't aware of the possible benefit of a second mortgage, a home-equity line of credit, or simply a refinance of their current and existing mortgage. For some, the fear of the loss of their home seems to outweigh any benefit that might be had from the use of the equity, and for these homeowners refinancing or home-equity lines of credit might not be an option. For the more informed consumer, a home-equity line of credit will open many doors, and provide a growing family with needed room, a larger living room, or even an extra bedroom.

If you ever given thought to the possibility that there is a more profitable use for the equity in your home you're probably a candidate. Exactly how to invest that money for the greatest amount of benefit will depend largely on your personal and individual financial situation; it is at this point is you should seek the advice of a financial adviser, or may be a tax planner.

Let's take a moment to discuss the different options you have with the withdrawal of the equity in your home: a home-equity line of credit, a mortgage refinance, or a second mortgage will provide the consumer. A home-equity line of credit is simply that an extension of credit from your bank or mortgage-lender based on the amount of equity you have established in your home. The interest rate is usually a variable or adjustable rate based on the prime interest rate plus the lenders additional interest margin. Quite often the lender will accept a previous existing appraisal of the property provided that the appraisal is current within five years. A mortgage-rate finance will require more time and investment on the part of the homeowner and quite possibly a reappraisal of the property, and for this reason is often avoided by many homeowners. The upside of mortgage refinance is that many times the mortgage refinance rate is much lower than the original mortgage-rate.

The second mortgage option is really closely related to the home-equity line of credit with one exception: a second mortgage is a determined loan amount with a determined loan rate. The second mortgage option is comparable with a home-equity line of credit in that there is no need for a new appraisal, title search, or closing cost.

With either of the three options, the mortgage interest is completely tax-deductible and may be added along with the original mortgage as an itemized deduction. Regardless of the use of the funds, so long as it is classified as a home mortgage there exists a tax deduction.

What possibilities exist when you tap into the equity in your home? The uses of the money are as varied as the homeowners who borrow the money. Many times the homeowner will use the equity to improve or expand on the size or value of the home. Other times, the homeowner needs to use the equity to finance college educations, or maybe that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to start their own business. Regardless of the end use of the equity, there is no safer bet than the equity you build in your home.

Often, a homeowner begins to evaluate the equity asset when he or she begins to approach the mid-point of the mortgage life, or the mid-point of their life. It is often during this phase that the financial benefits of using that equity outweigh the option to leave the equity in the home.

Bueford Copeland has been managing Computer Networks and providing consulting services for the last 10 years. He is currently a Systems Administrator for 561Hosting. Please visit to learn about our web hosting packages.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


