Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Writen by Mark Nash

Moving is like life, what you make it. Organization in packing and moving can save you time and limit stress at the end of an long process that transitions you into or out of your home. It's easy to delay the laborious task of getting three moving company quotes, finding temporary storage and deciding what to move, donate and throw away. Even the throw away items might need special attention such as paint, old gasoline or computers. As an experienced real estate broker who has seen the right way to move and the all-nighters the last five nights before moving, I can tell you it's much easier on relationships and pets to become proactive in the moving department of your next residential real estate transaction.

Mark Nash author of 1001 Tips for Buying and Selling a Home offers your readers or viewers streamlined tips to make even the most disorganized person have a lower stress experience. Moving day is not packing day, rental moving trucks are in big demand all the time and what's behind you isn't ahead of you should be your mantra for your next move. Put those last three statements on a piece of note paper on your refrigerator as soon as you have a closing date on your home.

- Plan ahead for your move five weeks before moving day. Begin pricing and cleaning items for garage sale. Register children in new school. Verify with insurance agent that your possessions will be covered during your move. Obtain new homeowners and automobile insurance in your destination community.

-Research how moving costs for national moves are calculated. Weight of shipment. Time involved in transport of household goods. The cubic footage of the shipment. Any combination of the above.

-Research moving days and times that are the least popular. Weekdays. September through April. First three weeks of a month.

-1 Month before closing or lease expiration. Fill out change of address order form for the post office. Make moving company appointments for bids or reserve rental truck. Make travel arrangements for you and your family, pets Obtain medical records, including dental, eye, and prescriptions. Set up savings and checking accounts in your new community. Inventory household belongings. Create a photo or video record. Record serial numbers. Start using up inventory of household products and non-perishable food.

-2 Weeks before moving. Inform utilities at current address of disconnection date and forwarding address. Order utilities in destination city. Electric, disposal, newspaper, magazines, telephone, cable, Internet, gas. Confirm travel reservations. If moving out of a condo or apartment building reserve elevator. If moving into a condo or apartment reserve elevator. If moving into condo pay moving in deposit if required by association. Clean rugs or carpets if required by contract. Close bank accounts. Visit and close safety deposit box. Make copies of important documents. Verify insurance coverage during transition from one property to another. Purchase new coverage in destination city. Homeowners and auto. Defrost freezer and deep clean freezer and refrigerator. Send email change of address to family and friends.

-Learn how to move your computer. Make backup copies of all your files. Store and move original program and backup disks separate from your computer. Prepare your hard disk for moving by placing in park and lark position. Pack your computer in the original box and materials. Remove ink cartridges from printer. Insert piece of paper in platen to secure.

-Moving day. Clean house, hire cleaning service if it is too much to do yourself. Check closets, cabinets, basement, and attic one last time for missed items. Carry valuables with you during move. Make sure you have extra cash or traveler's checks for emergencies during move. Leave welcome note for new owner or tenant.

-Arriving at your new home. Renew auto related registrations, including drivers license. Find services that you will need in your new community. Day care, veterinarian, doctors, hospitals, train/bus, police/fire stations, and lawn/pool services.

-Remember to create an essentials kit for your family that goes with you in transit. Change of clothes.Towels.Over-the-counter and prescription drugs. First aid kit. Toilet paper and paper towels. Flashlight. Pen, pencils, and paper cups.

-Be prepared for your first night in your new home. Post an emergency phone list for your new community on your refrigerator. Change the locks. Change batteries in smoke detectors. Have flashlights handy. Check to see whether all blinds and shades operate correctly before nightfall.

Mark Nash's fourth real estate book, "1001 Tips for Buying and Selling a Home" (2005), and working as a real estate broker in Chicago are the foundation for his consumer-centric real estate perspective which has been featured on ABC-TV, CBS The Early Show, Bloomberg TV, CNN-TV, Chicago Sun Times & Tribune, Fidelity Investor's Weekly, Dow Jones Market Watch,, The New York Times, Realty Times, Universal Press Syndicate and USA Today.

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM



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