Monday, January 5, 2009

Writen by Brandon Cornett

In real estate marketing terms, a niche refers to a certain segment of your audience (or perhaps your entire audience). If you market your services primarily to buyers, then buyers represent your primary niche -- albeit a broad one.

You might also have sub-niches under your main niche. For instance, buyers can be broken down into first-time buyers, second-home purchasers, local buyers, relocations, etc. Each of these groups has slightly different needs, so you wouldn't want to speak to all of them in the exact same way.

To get more out of your marketing message, make it unique for each niche:

If you want to reach apartment dwellers thinking of buying their first home, talk to them as apartment dwellers thinking of buying their first home -- not just as buyers. Offer them a first-time buyer's guide, or show them how their monthly rent stacks up against an average monthly mortgage payment in the area. Open their eyes to the possibility of home ownership.

The point of all this is partly psychological. When you segment your audience into smaller groups, you're able to present them with something they really want (because you know exactly who they are). Whereas with a general message to a broader audience, your offer will apply to some but not all. A more specific message and offer will result in a greater desire (and response) among your individual audience segments.

Practice niche marketing. Talk to different groups in different ways. Be relevant, and you'll be appreciated.

About the Author
Brandon Cornett is the author of The Modern Guide to Real Estate Marketing and the founder of Read more articles or sign up for Brandon's free newsletter by visiting:

Posted by Posted by Isabella WISE at 9:00 AM


